ガラパゴス・ファイン 9  Galápagos Fine 9

2019.5.13 Mon - 5.31 Fri

11:00-18:00 (日祝休)




美しく繊細な筆はこびの 永島千裕

独創的なキャラクターを描く 浅岡咲子

オリジナル性あふれる色彩感覚の 古川郁恵

ユーモラスな木彫を生み出す 関口恵美

こもれびの魔術師 畠山昌子



参加アーティスト:永島千裕 浅岡咲子 古川郁恵 関口恵美 畠山昌子


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Group Exhibition  Galápagos Fine 9

Place:  Takeda Art Co. &  THE SHOWCASE

Date:  May 13 / Mon. – May 31 / Fri.  2019

Time: 11:00-18:00 (close on Sun.and National holiday)
Takeda Art Co. is pleased to present an annual group exhibition “Galápagos Fine”.

This year, we will hold the ninth exhibition of five female artists,
whose works celebrate the development and advancement of Japanese art.

Chihiro Nagashima‘s beautiful and delicate brush strokes.

Sakiko Asaoka‘s bold and attractive characters.

Ikue Furukawa‘s great aesthetic sense of color.

Emi Sekiguchi’s creation of humorous wood carvings.

Shoko Hatakeyama’s beautiful depiction of sunlight, that filters through the leaves of trees.

These outstanding artists’ unique worldview creates a beautiful harmony at the exhibition.

Takeda Art Co. invites you to enjoy the exquisite works of these five impressive artists.

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Participating Artists

Chihiro Nagashima
Sakiko Asaoka 
Ikue Furukawa
Emi Sekiguchi
Shoko Hatakeyama