Young Art TAIPEI

2015.04.24 Fri. - 04.26 Sun.

24th/3pm – 8pm, 25-26th/12pm – 8pm

Takeda Art Co. is going to participate in Young Art Taipei this month.


Our annual young Japanese artists exhibition “Galápagos Fine” is usually held in Tokyo.

This year, we take this opportunity to showcase young Japanese artists to Asia and to the world.

You will find the artists’ expressions that are introvert or powerful, sometimes cool or surreal at the Asian atmosphere.

We believe their spirits must fascinate and inspire you.

We hope you will enjoy “Galápagos Fine in Taipei” at this three-day show.


Participate Artists

Chihiro NAGASHIMA yokoyokokawa Sakiko ASAOKA Emi SEKIGUCHI Ikue FURUKAWA

Young Art TAIPEI


たけだ美術は4月、若手アーティストに焦点を当てたホテルフェア・Young Art Taipeiに初参加の運びとなりました。





アジアというひとつのプラットフォームに立ち、Young Japanese Artists独自の内向性やパワフルさ、





永島千裕 横川ヨコ 浅岡咲子 関口恵美 古川郁恵